Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Whole 30 no more.....

Quitters never win.  That's what they say, right?  Well, this girl is quitting her whole 30.  But I don't count it as a loss or a failure.

It was hard, that's for sure.  But I'm not quitting because it was hard.  I'm quitting because, after two weeks, I wasn't happy with the same old foods day in and day out.  I'm not happy with eating the same old thing every day.  However, tomorrow I am going to make the sweet potato chili my friends love so much that is whole 30 compliant!  I'm also not quitting because I want sweets again.  This is more about my general happiness and mood (sorry for the last two weeks, Nick!).  Maybe it's just an excuse.  Maybe I am a failure.  I don't see it that way, though, and I am sorry if you do.

It wasn't all bad or a waste of time.  I learned, most importantly, that my snacking wasn't because I was hungry (at least 90% of the time).  It was because I was so used to snacking that my body felt like it needed it, and I was bored.  I didn't realize how much snacking I did until I couldn't.  Every night, even still, my body is telling me that it wants something.  Sorry tummy, you aren't getting anything.  Maybe a glass of water.  I have also enjoyed seeing my kiddos eat more fruits and veggies.  Nick has even been making a concerted effort to eat better.  I am actually going to stick with it and watch my labels, but if I want to have some Catalina dressing on my salad, I'm going to.  Or if I want to have a tuna or chicken salad wrap or pita, I'm going to.  All things in moderation!  I am so thankful that I decided to try the whole 30 because it gave me the "umph" that I needed to get back on track.  Last year around March/April I feel off the eating healthy wagon and I really needed this to teach me some new things.  I am experiencing higher levels of energy and I am making better choices about what I put in my body, and I have the whole 30 to thank for that.

To those of you who were counting on my to go all 30 days, to those of you who personally told me how proud you were of me and/or how inspired you were by me, I am sorry if this is letting you down.  Ultimately, I have to do what's best for me.  I don't agree with being this unhappy with a change in eating lifestyle - there's no way it would stick.  I have learned a lot from this and I have such GREAT admiration for my friends who have done this!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Whole 30 - what??

(this is pretty long, so thanks if you read it all the way through!)

So, I have a friend who, three months ago started this insanely strict eating plan called Whole 30.  She did it and had incredible results.  Another friend started it a month ago and also had incredible results.  I decided that I needed to try it, which is completely unlike me to go on "diets," but I figured it couldn't hurt anything!  Here is my journey so far.

While on the Whole 30, you cannot consume: added sugar, alcohol (not just beer or wine, you can't use it for cooking or consume any sugar alcohols), grains, legumes, dairy, carrageenan, MSG or sulfites.  Yeah.  Intense.  It's been tough at times, but it has mostly been psychological.  One of the most interesting things I have learned so far is how my body tries to trick me into snacking.  I didn't realize how much I actually picked and snacked until doing this.  Even now, every night, my stomach is yearning for those cheez-its or popcorn.  It's not because I am hungry, it's because my body is telling me that I should be eating it.  It's habit.

On their website, www.whole30.com, you can find a timeline of feelings, processes, etc that you will most likely experience.

Day 1: It was amazing.  I was so empowered by the great choices I was making all day I was on top of the world.

Days 2-3: The Hangover.  Basically, all of the crap you crammed in your mouth leading up to your start day (guilty, party of me), is making you feel like death.  It's almost like a withdrawal.  Headaches, fatigue and just a general feeling of blah.  My day 2, I had a mini breakdown.  I also had a slight headache both days.

Days 4-5: Kill.All.Things.  You're on edge, you want to throat punch everyone who smiles at you and you just hate life.  I, thankfully, did not have these angry feelings!

Days 6-7: I just want to take a nap.  Yeah, that was me.  I was just exhausted!

Days 8-9: For the love of Gosling, my pants are TIGHTER!  What happens is this: your body is adjusting to the new and wonderful foods that you are filling it with.  You can also have some bloating, constipation or diarrhea.  

Days 10-11: (I am currently on Day 10) The Hardest Days.  This is where most people quit the program.  By now, I've had eggs every day, sometimes multiple times, the newness has worn off and pretty much everywhere I look I see the things that I CANNOT have.  Ugh.  I just want to go off the wagon and shove handfuls of cheez-its into my mouth and follow it up with an 8-pack of pepsi currently in the fridge.  Yeah.  I've got it bad.  I've got that itch.

Days 12-15: Boundless Energy.  Apparently, I turn into Tigger and am bouncing everywhere.  We'll see about that.

Days 16-27: Tiger Blood!  This is where energy is through the roof, cravings are under control, clothes are fitting better, workouts are stronger.  I'm dying to get to Days 16-27!

(Interlude) Day 21: I am so over this.  I love the way I am feeling and looking, but if I have to see one more egg I will go postal!

Day 28: 28 is as good as 30, right?  No.  I committed to 30 days and I am going to go 30 days!

Days 29-30: HolyOprahIt'sAlmostOverWhatAmIGoingToEatNow?!?!?!?!  Panic mode.  What am I going to do after this is done?  I don't want to instantly gain back every pound and inch that I spent 30 days losing.  30 days of pining away for a cherry pepsi or Starbucks or cookie or corn or a big, buttery piece of bread.  How will I stay on track?  What will I eat?  The rules are out the door as soon as I am done with this.

Day 31: Deep breathing.  And maybe some ice cream.  I'm not sure that I will continue to go by every single rule, but I intend to keep a health eating lifestyle going.  I feel that, with food, it's about moderation, not completely cutting it all out (unless you've got a food allergy or health condition that requires you to do so).

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Every Inch Of You Is Perfect

From The Bottom To The Top!!!!!

SO, a few ups, downs and ups.  My lowest weight since I last wrote was 229.  Yep.  229.  The lowest I've been since getting pregnant with Noah.  Unfortunately, I do this little self-sabotage move and went on a sweets eating spree (I won't blame it on PMS.  PMS is responsible for a lot, but not this.  This was all me.) and am now back up to 234.  Boo.  But anyway, life goes on and I just back back to it!

I wish I would have known how much I would dislike the elliptical machine we bought after Christmas.  Fortunately, we are selling the elliptical for the exact price as we are spending on a treadmill - thank you for sale sites on Facebook!  I kept my membership to Planet Fitness all this time and went last night and tonight.  On average, I was going a mile on the elliptical or walking laps around the basement.  Last night I went 1.95 miles and tonight 2.13.  I like where that is going!  It's definitely going to be nice to have a treadmill here at home, but it's so nice to workout interruption free (specifically.....my kids lol).

My back (lower back and hips) has really been hurting and I've had numerous trips to the chiropractor and it's been helping, but I'm not seeing results that I'd like.  I know that strengthening my core will help with back issues, too, so more reason to get back at it!

I spent most of my workout watching today's The Bold and the Beautiful, but had time for a few songs after that ended so Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation got me pumped up!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Walk this Way! (Sung in my best Steven Tyler voice)

weight - 232.3

This is almost the lowest I've been since I had Noah almost three years ago.  The lowest I managed to get to was 231.  I'm so close!  Talk about motivation!

I've been very frustrated with my elliptical machine lately.  I get on it and within 30 seconds my thighs are burning.  There was an elliptical at the Y that was so smooth and I could easily do almost three miles in 30-35 minutes (last year).  I had to shake myself into reality this morning because last year I was also doing step aerobics twice a week and was in better shape.  I'll get there.  I did, however, go the furthest today since I got back on the health wagon this year.  1.61 miles walking/jogging around the basement.  I'm actually kind of glad, in a way, that our basement isn't finished because I can literally walk a circle (technically an oval) around the entire basement!

Still on my avocado kick.  Today I made the most amazing quesadilla ever!  Whole grain tortilla, avocado with salt and hot sauce, brown rice and finely shredded mozzarella cheese!  I took a picture, but it was a snapchat, so the picture is long gone!!  Even Scott liked it!

What are some of your fave go-to healthy foods?  I've also been enjoying almonds, dates, prunes and lots of blueberries.  Tonight I am going to make a sweet potato because my friend Sarah made the most amazing sweet potato skins at her super bowl party on Sunday!

Happy Tuesday!

Today's motivation and mood lifter brought to you by Pharrell.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Who Run the World?

Ok, ok, so I stole that from Beyonce's song, but that song REALLY pumps me up!

I've been a slug for the past two days, so I knew that today I needed to really hit it.  I jogged for almost all of my 30 minute 1.3 mile trip on the elliptical.  I know it might not seem like much for some, but for me, it's a huge step.  I just kept pushing and pushing.  If I want results, I've got to push myself.  My friend Misty has told me "If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you" and it's so true!  I find myself getting a bit lost during my time on the elliptical so I just stare straight ahead at the wall with such intensity.  I just picture all of the people (mostly in high school) who made jokes or comments about my size.  I think about the "friends" who posted a sign on the door (of Mrs. P's class) about clifford the big red dog the day I wore a really pretty red sweater.  I also think about all of the goals I want to accomplish and that really motivates me.

I am so in love with avocados!  I was all over Pinterest looking at the different ways to eat them.  To be honest, I'm perfectly happy eating them with some hot sauce right out of the shell!  I'd really like to find a whole grain bread that I like.  Nick isn't much of a "non-white bread" person so I have to keep that in the house lol!  I also need to get more grains in the diet.  Guess I'll have to check out Pinterest for that, too :-)

Today's workout brought to you by Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout and Janet Jackson channels on Pandora, featuring Usher, Tayo, Jason Derulo, Beyonce and Janet Jackson!

Good night my amazing friends!  You're support and encouragement mean the world to me!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Some progress is better than NO progress

Weight - 233.7 (-2.2)

I was pleasantly surprised with that considering that I went nine days without cardio/physical activity because I was battling a sinus infection!

I have to brag.  The speed on my elliptical is in rpm's.  Usually, I go between 40-45.  Today I was doing small portions between 60-70!!!  WHOA!  It felt so good to be going that fast.  Well, fast for me.

This is a short entry tonight.  I am going to look around at healthy meals.  What did we do before Pinterest?

Today's music motivator was Britney.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Six days a week

I decided tonight that I wanted to set my workout/exercise goal at six days a week.  I know it will be tough but I think it's doable.  I've got a lot of great partners to keep me motivated!  I'm also participating with my cousin in a 2,015 miles in 2,015 challenge and we have to walk/run 2,015 miles this year between the two of us.  Sure, she can accumulate 15 miles in two days while I'm only putting out about a mile a day, but that will change!  I also have three other friends who are participating in the tone it up love your body challenge and we message back and forth about 1,000 times a day and we're constantly snap chatting each other with workout photos (them more than me) and that really keeps me motivated.  I'm also part of a biggest loser group that is a great motivator!  I don't want to be the lazy one of the bunch lol!

I'm also so proud of Nick (my husband, for those of you who don't know)!  He has been using the elliptical, too, and putting in some push-ups and sit-ups.  What a guy!  He's such a hard worker.  He works retail, an hour away, mostly 10 hour days.  So for him to come home and then spend 30-45 minutes working out....that takes dedication!  I love that he is doing it because it helps me stay on track.

I'm really getting into avocados lately, so feel free to share some of your fav ways to eat avocado!  I'm also trying to get more fiber into my diet that isn't in pill or powder form.

Also, I'm giving up chocolate until Sunday.  I may die.  Pray for me.

Workout song of the day